Manufacturer: Kromschroder
Type: Safety Relief Valve
Model: VSBV 25 R40-4Z
Art No.: 84583011 A.1522-42501
Application: Safety relief valve for relieving brief pressure surges in controlsystems thus preventing the safety shut-off valve JSAV from being activated unintentionally.
The VSBV reduces too high a pressure increase due to gas creeps which are the result of gas pressure regulators.
Internal thread: Rp 1 to ISO 7-1.
Gas types: Natural gas, town gas, landfill gas, LPG (gaseous) and biologically produced methane (max. 0.02 %-by-vol. H2S). The gas must be dry in all temperature conditions and must not contain condensate.
Valve Housing: Aluminium
Setting Range: 320 – 500 mbar